Simple Steps to Create a Database in MySQL

Personal Portfolio Website

Step 1: Launch XAMPP

If XAMPP is not running, initiate the application. Next, launch your web browser and type http://localhost/ into the address bar. Finally, press Enter to access the database.

Step 2: Access phpMyAdmin

Navigate to the “phpMyAdmin” tool under the “Tools” section at the bottom-left of the XAMPP homepage. Click on it to open the phpMyAdmin interface.

Step 3: Navigate to SQL Tab

Inside phpMyAdmin, find and click on the “SQL” tab. This is where you can execute SQL commands.

Step 4: Execute SQL Command

Type the following command in the SQL tab:


Press the “Go” button to execute the command. This creates a new database named “designer.”

Step 5: Verify Database Creation

Look on the left side of the phpMyAdmin interface; you should see a new database named “designer.”

Step 6: Alternative Method – Create Database Directly

If you prefer an alternative method, you can create a database directly from the “Databases” tab. Enter your desired database name in the “Create database” field and click “Create.”

Step 7: Selecting a Database (Optional)

If you have multiple databases on one server and want to work with a specific one, use the following SQL command:

USE designer;

Replace “designer” with your desired database name.

Step 8: Deleting a Database (Use with Caution)

To delete a database, use the following SQL command:


Be careful, as this action is irreversible and permanently deletes the database along with its tables and data.

Remember to handle database deletion with caution, as undoing this action is not possible.

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